Why Upgrade to Ticket Manager Version 4?
Our Ticket Manager Redemption System has had ongoing development and improvements since it’s launch in 2011. Since then, customer feedback has led to many new features being added to our software to help in the day to day running of your prize shop.
Ticket Manager Version 4 has been completely rebuilt from scratch. The database structure has been redesigned and improved to allow new features to exist and to allow seamless updates in the future.
Below are a list of some of the changes to our Ticket Manager software:
Additional Users:
Ticket Manager now allows up to four users to carry out customer transactions at the same time. This has been increased from the maximum of two users in all previous versions. This will allow customers to be served quicker during busy periods.
Cards and Tokens:
Many of our customers have machines that give out prizes that can be exchanged for points that are not redemption tickets. Some examples of these would be Character Cards or Plastic Tokens from Wizard of Oz, Cards from SpongeBob or even Tokens / Lottery Cards that are placed on Pushers. When these prizes are presented at the shop, the server can enter these from a quick button similar to the non barcoded stock items or scan a barcode from the list. This saves the server time adding them together and using the manual ticket override to add the points. It also produces a total list of these items on close reports so that all added prizes can be reconciled. It also means that the manually added tickets button can be disabled for a user.
Loyalty Cards and Customers:
Loyalty Cards were introduced in version 3 of Ticket Manager and allowed customers to store their points on a loyalty card. The process of adding loyalty cards was cumbersome so we have removed this allowing users to add a loyalty card as and when a customer signs up. The loyalty screen has been fully redesigned to allow you to store information on your customers and easily search for an individual. A Loyalty Bonus can still be added to the system and this has been moved to system settings for security.
Customer Refunds:
Dealing with customers that have bought items that either don’t work or that they want to exchange can take time. This is mainly due to altering stock figures within the Ticket Manager system. We have now developed an easy to use refund process so that when a customer returns an item, you can process the refund with stock and points now automatically adjusted. If it is an item that requires a refund a new ticket will be printed for the customer.
Ticket Control:
Dealing with a large quantity of redemption tickets within your Family Entertainment Center does carry a huge security risk. We have developed a system where your redemption machines can be added to the system and when machines are filled up with redemption tickets, these are logged keeping control of issued tickets and ticket stock. Customers who have upgraded to version four need to contact us to enable this feature.
Stock Management:
Stock Management has been improved in terms of adding new or existing stock items. Instead of answering a number of questions, the stock item details are added on one simple screen. Stock can also be added whilst customers are being served. The search capabilities of stock items has been fully redesigned allowing you to locate a stock item with ease.
One Big Ticket:
Concept Games introduced a One Big Ticket system that prints a single receipt with the total number of points won. We have been working closely with them so that Ticket Manager automatically accepts their receipts when presented to the system.
Minimum Points Receipt:
In our joint mission to cut our carbon footprint, we have introduced a minimum number of points settings allowing you to set the number of minimum tickets required for a receipt to be printed. For example if this setting is enabled and set to 10, all points lower than this will not be returned to the customer as a receipt and will be forfeited. This setting does not affect loyalty card transactions.
User Management and Security:
A new User Management screen has been introduced to enable and disable system functions that can be carried out by individual users. Functions such as Manual Points, Manual Barcode, Promotion Vouchers and Refunds have been moved to a secure menu that now requires an authorised user to allow these to be carried out.
A number of new reports have been added as well as improved layouts for existing reports. As the database has been redesigned, some of the larger reports take 50% less time to execute. Automated Email reports have also been added to the system.